Tomb Raider Trophy Guide

Welcome to the PlayStation Lifestyle Trophy Guide for Tomb Raider. Were you one of the million that picked up Tomb Raider early on? Planning on getting the game soon? We want to help you become a true survivor and, with this trophy guide, you can prove that you are by earning the platinum trophy. While the multiplayer trophies may take some time and dedication, and there is one campaign trophy that is missable, this guide should make getting the platinum fairly painless.

Spoiler Warning: While we try to remain as spoiler free as possible, trophy guides will often contain spoilers for different gameplay aspects and story points or locations where necessary. Read through the guide at your own risk.

True Survivor –Platinum

Unlock every Tomb Raider trophy.

Earn all of the rest of the Tomb Raider trophies and you’ll get the Platinum.

Bookworm –Bronze

-Find 25% of all documents.

Documents are collectibles that are scattered around some of the maps. You can check how many you have collected in each area by pressing the select button. Over the course of the game you will collect upgrades and treasure maps that will make finding and collecting the Documents much easier. Find 25% of the total Documents and this trophy is yours.

Historian –Bronze

-Find 75% of all documents.

Documents are collectibles that are scattered around some of the maps. You can check how many you have collected in each area by pressing the select button. Over the course of the game you will collect upgrades and treasure maps that will make finding and collecting the Documents much easier. Find 75% of the total Documents and this trophy is yours.

Relic Hunter –Bronze

-Collect 25% of all relics.

Relic are collectibles that are scattered around some of the maps. You can check how many you have collected in each area by pressing the select button. Over the course of the game you will collect upgrades and treasure maps that will make finding and collecting the Relics much easier. Find 25% of the total Relics and this trophy is yours.


-Collect 75% of all relics.

Relics are collectibles that are scattered around some of the maps. You can check how many you have collected in each area by pressing the select button. Over the course of the game you will collect upgrades and treasure maps that will make finding and collecting the Relics much easier. Find 75% of the total Relics and this trophy is yours.

Looking for TroubleBronze

-Find 25% of GPS caches.

GPS Caches are collectibles that are scattered around some of the maps. These are more difficult to see than the rest of the collectibles. You can check how many you have collected in each area by pressing the select button. Over the course of the game you will collect upgrades and treasure maps that will make finding and collecting the documents much easier. Find 25% of the total GPS Caches and this trophy is yours.

Bag Full O’ CacheBronze

-Find 75% of GPS caches.

GPS Caches are collectibles that are scattered around some of the maps. These are more difficult to see than the rest of the collectibles. You can check how many you have collected in each area by pressing the select button. Over the course of the game you will collect upgrades and treasure maps that will make finding and collecting the GPS Caches much easier. Find 75% of the total GPS Caches and this trophy is yours.

No Stone Left UnturnedGold

-Find all documents, relics and GPS caches.

See the above trophies. Collectibles are scattered throughout each of the maps. You can check how many you have collected in each area by pressing the select button. Over the course of the game you will collect upgrades and treasure maps that will make finding and collecting these items. Once you find all of them, you will get this trophy.


-Collect 5000 pieces of salvage.

This will likely come naturally over the course of the game. Salvage is used to upgrade your weapons. Press square to break open boxes and scavenge from animals and defeated enemies and collect pieces of salvage. You will get upgrades that increase the amount of salvage that you get from each enemy, box, or animal. Be vigilant about collecting salvage and you will get this before the game is over.


-Loot 200 enemies.

When you defeat an enemy, press square by their body to loot them. Do this 200 times and you’ll get the trophy.

Clever GirlSilver

-Purchase all skills in one category.

There are 3 categories to purchase skills in: Hunting, Survival, and Brawler. You will earn experience for various actions in the game which will reward you with skill points. Use these skill points to purchase skills and when you purchase all of the skills in a single category, this trophy will unlock.


-Purchase all skills in all categories.

See Clever Girl. Once you purchase all of the skills in all categories you will get this trophy. You will likely need to continue to defeat enemies after the end of the game to earn enough experience to upgrade all skills.

Now We’re Getting SeriousBronze

-Fully mod and completely upgrade any weapon.

 Weapon upgrades are done through salvage and weapon parts and the camp menu. Certain upgrades that you can purchase with salvage will not be available until you find three weapon parts to upgrade the weapon to the next level, or obtain the next level of the weapon via a story event. Fully upgrade the Bow, Assault Rifle, Shotgun, or Pistol to get this trophy.

The ProfessionalSilver

-Fully mod and completely upgrade all weapons.

See Now We’re Getting Serious. Once you have collected all of the weapon parts, which are found randomly from crates as well as looted from enemies, and used salvage to buy all of the upgrades for each of the weapons, this trophy will unlock. You will likely need to continue to collect salvage after the end of the game to have enough to upgrade everything.

Big Game HunterBronze

-Kill and loot 10 large animals -deer, boar, wolves.

Simply kill ten large animals and press square to loot their bodies. This should come pretty early on if you are killing all of the deer and wolves that you come across at the beginning of the game.

Tastes Like Chicken!Bronze

-Kill and loot 10 small animals -rabbits, chickens, rats.

Another easy one. Just make sure to kill and loot any small animals that you come across by pressing square near their bodies and the trophy will be yours.

Feather DusterBronze

-Kill and loot 10 flying animals -crows and gulls.

This is probably the most difficult of the hunting trophies, but is still very easy. In forested areas keep a lookout for crows on the ground and kill them before you startle them and they fly away. On the beach, look for seagulls and use the same strategy. Press square to loot ten of them and you’ll have another trophy.

Sharp ShooterBronze

-Perform 50 headshot kills in the single player campaign.

Using any weapon, make sure that you kill enemies with headshots. Kill 50 enemies to get the trophy.


-Kill 50 enemies with the bow.

Simply use the bow to kill 50 enemies.


-Kill 75 enemies with the rifle.

Use your rifle to kill 75 enemies.


-Kill 40 enemies with the shotgun.

Kill 40 enemies with the shotgun to get this trophy.


-Kill 35 enemies with the pistol.

Using the pistol, take out 35 enemies for this trophy to unlock.

Epic FumbleBronze

-Force an enemy to drop dynamite that kills two people when exploding.

This is easiest to get in the Shantytown area of the game as you face numerous enemies that use dynamite. As soon as an enemy takes out dynamite, shoot them to make them drop it, but make sure that you do not kill them so that the dynamite does instead. If the dynamite goes off and kills two enemies, the trophy will unlock. If you find a good enemy setup to do this but fail, die, reload your checkpoint and try again.

Get Over Here!Bronze

-Rope pull 5 enemies off edges.

Another one that is good to go for in the Shantytown area of the game. After you obtain the Rope Arrows, look for enemies that are close to edges. Use the rope arrows to pull 5 of them off and you will get the trophy.


-Kill 25 unaware enemies.

This will likely unlock naturally as you play the game, but if you want to focus on it just make sure that you are killing any enemy that has not seen you. This can be with a close up stealth attack, silent headshots with the bow, or even headshots with a gun (though this last option will make more enemies in the area see you and ruin chances you have at future unaware kills). Kill 25 enemies this way for the trophy.

Down and DirtyBronze

-Perform 15 finishers.

When enemies are downed but not killed, a triangle will appear over their head. If you press triangle near them, you will perform a finisher. You will likely get 15 of these naturally in your progression of the game.


-Shoot 10 enemies off zip lines.

Make sure that you are focusing on going for this anytime enemies are coming at you on zip lines or you will need to start the game over to go for this. The Shantytown is a good area for this, and there are a few areas later in the game that have enemies approaching you via zip line. Use the shotgun to make 10 of them fall off of the zip lines and you will get the trophy. If you miss a lot of enemies on zip lines in an area, die and restart your checkpoint to make sure that you get most or all of them.

Former AdventurerBronze

-Incapacitate 25 enemies with dodge counter.

This upgrade must be purchased before you can use it. Use circle to scramble out of the way of melee attacks and then hit triangle when the prompt appears. Most enemies require that you do this twice for them to be considered incapacitated. When they are incapacitated, the triangle icon will appear above their head for a finisher. Incapacitate 25 enemies for this trophy.

One Smart CookieBronze

-Complete one optional tomb.

Optional tombs can be found in various locations throughout the game. There are 7 optional tombs total. The game will notify you when you are near an optional tomb. These are also marked by the white chalk sun paintings and arrows pointing in the direction of the tomb, and the entrances can be found on your map after you discover them via Survival Instinct (L2) (Skill required to reveal item locations on your map). Complete one of the tombs, which each contain a simple puzzle, and you’ll unlock this.

Intellectually SuperiorGold

-Complete all optional tombs.

See One Smart Cookie. Complete all 7 optional tombs to earn the trophy.

Unfinished BusinessBronze

-Complete one challenge.

Challenges are like the collectibles in each area and can be tracked using the select button, but unlike collectibles, their locations will not show up on your map. Most require you to find and either collect or destroy a certain number of items in an area. Some are easier than others. Challenge items will glow yellow when using Survival Instinct (L2). Finish one of the challenges in any area to earn this one.


-Complete all challenges.

See Unfinished Business. Once you complete all challenges on all maps, you will be awarded with this trophy. Be aware that there is one area that you cannot fast travel to that has a challenge. This area is the bunker that you visit to get to the Endurance wreck next to Shipwreck Beach. Fast travel to the beach and travel along the cliff to get to the bunker.

A Survivor Is BornSilver

-Complete the game.

Simply complete the game on any difficulty to earn this trophy.


-Complete a match in all multiplayer modes.

Complete one full match in each of the following game modes:

  • Rescue
  • Team Deathmatch
  • Cry For Help
  • Free For All


-Kill 20 enemy players in multiplayer using a turret.

 Certain maps in multiplayer will have turrets that you can use. Simply kill 20 enemies with the turrets to get the trophy. This is cumulative across all multiplayer game modes.

Down Boy!Bronze

-Kill a zip-lining enemy player in multiplayer.

Just make sure that you kill an enemy who is on a zip line, either ascending or descending, to get this trophy.


-Catch a player in a snare trap in multiplayer.

Certain multiplayer maps will have rope circles on the ground. You can press square near these to set up a snare trap. As soon as another player runs into one of these traps, you will get the trophy.


-Survive 10 explosions in multiplayer.

Simply stand near explosions and survive ten times in multiplayer. This can be any explosion from yourself or other players.

Good SamaritanBronze

-Revive a teammate in a multiplayer match.

In Rescue matches, you can press circle near downed teammates to revive them. Do this once and the trophy is yours.

I’m all that!Silver

-Win a ranked match in every multiplayer mode.

See Adventurer. You need to win a ranked match in each one of these game modes to earn this trophy, the most difficult being Free For All, as you cannot rely on teammates to help you win.

Sole SurvivorBronze

-In multiplayer, be the only player on your team that isn’t dead or downed.

If the rest of your team gets downed or killed and you are still standing, you will earn this trophy. This is easier with less people on your team, as that means less players need to be downed or killed simultaneously.

Lights OutBronze

-Kill 10 multiplayer enemies using your melee attack.

Triangle can be used for melee attacks. Kill 10 opposing players with melee attacks and you will unlock another bronze.

Master BlasterBronze

-Kill 2 multiplayer enemies with a single explosive.

Any explosion will work for this trophy as long as one explosion kills two opposing players at once.

Monkey AroundBronze

-In multiplayer, escape death 3 times by using the rope ascender.

When your health is under 25%, simply jump to a zipline and hold square to ascend. This will be considered escaping death. Repeat three times to unlock this one.


-Purchase a new multiplayer character.

Over time you will receive salvage and pass certain requirements to unlock characters. Once you have the ability to, purchase a character and you will earn this trophy.

On My Way UpBronze

-Reach level 10 in multiplayer.

Play through ranked multiplayer matches and earn experience until you reach level 10.


-Buy every upgrade and character in multiplayer.

This is easily the most time consuming trophy in the game. One particular character requires you to be 3rd prestige to unlock, and the upgrades require you to be level 58 to purchase all of them, and reset every time you prestige at level 60 (Characters purchased do not reset after you prestige, so focus on buying them first). Keep at this and you will eventually be able to purchase everything and earn this sadly bronze trophy.

True CommitmentSilver

-Reach level 60 in multiplayer.

Continue playing the multiplayer and earning experience until you reach level 60.

Spoiler Warning: Secret Trophies

Boom Goes the DynamiteBronze

-Shoot a bundle of dynamite out of the air.

Go for this trophy  in the Shantytown. There are many enemies who will throw dynamite at you. Simply use the shotgun to shoot the dynamite out of the air and you will get this trophy.

Crab CakesBronze

-Kill FeeFee the crab.

There is not a specific crab that is “FeeFee”. Simply shoot and kill any of the crabs on the beach to earn this.


-Complete all conversations with the Endurance crew.

This is the only missable trophy in the main campaign. At certain points in the story, you can press square near other members of the crew to talk to them. Make sure that you do this with all characters at all opportunities and do it repeatedly until you have exhausted all conversation options with each character.

If you have any other strategies for trophies that we left out or have any questions regarding the tips we have listed in our guide, feel free to email me at or follow me on Twitter @FinchStrife.