Murdered: Soul Suspects Gets an Announcement Trailer, Shows off Some Gameplay

Murdered: Soul Suspect from Square Enix is still scheduled for an early 2014 release date on PS3, Xbox 360, and PC, and it sees you taking control of Ronan O’Connor, a detective who is murdered by a brutal killer.

Fitting into the action/adventure genre, you must use your supernatural abilities to explore the town of Salem, Massachusetts, interrogating other ghosts, battling demonic spirits, and trying to find out who is responsible for your death.

Giving you a teensy bit of gameplay video after a long intro, and an E3 tease, here’s the Murdered: Soul Suspect announcement trailer:

Stay tuned to PSLS for more info on the game as we head into E3 2013 next week.

What do you think of Murdered: Soul Suspect? Are you happy to see a new IP so late in the console generation? Let us know in the comments below.

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