Yoshida Made PS4 Used Games Vid Just to Have Fun, Didn’t Plan to Release it – Now Nearing 6 Million Views

As we’ve said countless times in the past 27 hours, the biggest moment of any E3 press conference was when Sony announced that the PS4 would support used games and not have a 24hr check in.

Just as the big news hit the web, President of Worldwide Studios, Shuhei Yoshida, released a video (you can see it below) demonstrating the steps required to transfer a used boxed game from one person to another – just hand it to them. It was perfect timing, the ultimate finishing move that for many showed that Sony cared for their consumers, while Microsoft was only trying to gain money. The video was a smash hit, and has already gained a whopping 5,809,095 views at time of writing.

It was also just a bit of fun that was never planned for release.

When Kotaku asked why the vid was made, Yoshida replied:

Oh, the sharing video! It was not necessary at all. We were waiting in rehearsal two days ago and Adam [Boyes, Sony VP of developer relations and the guy on the right] or someone came up with the idea and we were like, ‘Oh, what if we do this and that?’ We had a studio there in the event space room with Macintosh desktop editing. We shot the video and the guys added music. We were having fun. Andy [House, president of Sony Computer Entertainment] was like, oh, yeah, let’s release this virally. It was not planned.

Did you find the video funny? Should Sony do more videos like this? Tell us below.
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