Tomorrow on US/CA PlayStation Plus: June 18th, 2013 – Saints Row: The Third & Gods Eater Burst for Free

After giving us four brand new games in the Instant Game Collection last week, Sony keeps the free games coming by adding Gods Eater Burst (the PSP game that replaced Orc Attack) and Saints Row: The Third.

With each of these additions tomorrow, it leaves Zero Escape: Virtue’s Last Reward as the only remaining June 2013 PlayStation Plus free game in North America, which you can expect on June 25th. Also on the 25th, both BlazBlue: Continuum Shift EXTEND and Vanquish are leaving the Instant Game Collection, so get them while you can.

Aside from all the IGC excitement, there isn’t anything else happening, but don’t forget to take advantage of the E3 2013 sale before it’s gone.

Are you more excited for Saints Row: The Third or Gods Eater Burst? Let us know in the comments below.


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