The Catch-Up: June 25th, 2013 – Naughty Dog Addresses Ellen Page’s The Last of Us Comments, GDC Europe Adds PS4 Tech Talk, So Many Launch Trailers

It’s Tuesday, so that means launch trailers, launch trailers, and you guessed it, more launch trailers! Also, lots of non-launch trailer news.

General News

  • The demo for Gran Turismo 6 skids to the PlayStation Network on July 2nd. [Source]
  • Skander Djerbi, Executive Producer on Fuel Overdose, revealed that, for other titles from the development studio to appear on PS3 or Vita, “we would need to sell much more units of Fuel Overdose.” Unfortunately for them, “So far the sales are extremely disappointing and as indies are 100% self-funded.” Also, don’t expect any more DLC packs. [Source]
  • Andreas Ojerfors, Senior Gameplay Designer at Machine Games, said of the I Am Death Incarnate difficulty mode for Wolfenstein: The New Order, “you will cry blood.” Luckily, “it’s difficult, but it’s always fair. You’re never really cheated. It’s always your fault if you die.” Raise your hand if you can’t wait to cry blood! [Source]
  • GDC Europe has added a PS4 tech talk that will focus on “the degree of cross-compatibility that the shading language will have with the PC, and the “hardware-oriented extensions that will enable PS4 developers to Push the Boundaries of Play.”” As well, Patrick Plourde of Ubisoft will reveal Child of Light, a “small project in triple-A studio.” [Source]
  • Addressing what Ellen Page said in her AMA, Naughty Dog tweeted, “Wow! The reaction to @EllenPage’s AMA was overblown-After the announce trailer there WAS initial confusion leading us to revise Ellie’s look.” Ellen Page then replied, “I agree! Looking forward to playing #TheLastofUs.” [Tweet 1, 2]
  • Guerrilla Games unveiled the OWL for Killzone: Shadow Fall, an “advanced hovering attack drone used exclusively by the Shadow Marshals to give them all kinds of tactical abilities in the field. It attaches itself onto the Shadow Marshal’s suit until he gives it an order. When damaged, the OWL automatically returns and regenerates health until it receives an order again.” You can then use the OWL’s various modes (Attack, Stun, Zipline, Shield) via the DualShock 4’s touchpad. [Source]


New Videos

  • Ride to Hell: Retribution gets a launch trailer:

  • And so does Muramasa Rebirth:

  • Hotline Miami gets hot (expect a review soon):

  • We didn’t forget about Deadpool:

  • Tina isn’t tiny enough to be missed in her Borderlands 2 DLC launch trailer:

  • Motorbike released on the PSN today (expect a review soon) in North America, with the developers hoping to make a Vita version down the line, and a PS3 release in Europe happening soon [Source]:

  • Drinkbox Studios compiled some of the funnier bugs discovered in Guacamelee! (they do warn of some spoilers):

  • Here’s the latest trailer for Mamoruku Curse:

Which games did you buy today? Let us know in the comments below.

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