Dylan Cuthbert: “There is a ton of Power Under the Hoods of” the PS4 and Xbox One

Q-Games is best known by PlayStation gamers for the numerous PixelJunk titles they’ve created, with Pixeljunk Monsters Ultimate HD coming to the PlayStation Vita this summer.

The man who founded Q-Games (located in Japan), Dylan Cuthbert, was recently interviewed by PS3Brasil, revealing that he thinks the Japanese market for downloadable titles “will have a big boost once the PS4 is released.” Though Q-Games hasn’t officially confirmed they’re working on a PS4 game yet, they have an “undisclosed title” in the works right now, he did point towards the fact that he was featured in a PS4 video a ways back, saying “that’s a clue right there.”

While it’s very likely they’re working on a game for Sony’s next-gen console, Dylan confirmed that, unlike the PS3’s XMB, they were not a part of the PS4’s user interface. Instead, they “pulled away from that work to concentrate on next-gen tech, we needed out tech coders working on game tech this time around.”

Speaking about the next generation, Dylan was asked what he thinks the biggest innovation would be:

I think the next generation will have a huge leap in graphics. Obviously the first batch of games will only feel like a small leap but it’s the next batch that I am excited for because there is a ton of power under the hoods of the next-gen machines and once we really start using that things are going to look very different.

 Also, for anyone who remembers this game, Dylan said that the Blasto IP is owned by Sony and he doesn’t “think they’ll be making a sequel anytime soon.”

What is your favorite game in the PixelJunk series? Let us know in the comments below.