Morgan Haro Defends Indie Games on PS Plus, Perfectly Explains PlayStation Philosophy

In the world of Sony employees – who aren’t Shuhei Yoshida, Kaz, Mark Cerny, or Adam Boyes – you’re likely to know Shahid Ahmad for his constant Twittering and indie acquisitions, Sid Shuman for his sultry voice on the PS Blogcast, and Fred Dutton for appearing in PSLS posts quite often. But there’s also Morgan Haro, Community Manager for PlayStation Digital Platforms, who updates readers each week with the PlayStation Plus details, and then must listen to all the hate from readers who don’t like the choices or are disappointed by their PS+ membership.

Rather than ignoring it or getting angry, he responds to as many people as he can and politely asks that, instead of saying you hate the games, you give him some feedback as to which games you’d like to see, so he can work on getting them added to the Instant Game Collection for the future.

One of the biggest complaints this week is that Jet Set Radio is going free on PlayStation 3 tomorrow, despite the PlayStation Vita version appearing in the IGC previously. Morgan explained the reasoning behind this:

Yeah the versions are actually pretty similar. This one is for those PS3 owners that haven’t gotten their PS Vita just yet, now they can enjoy the game as well. But yes, for PS Vita owners that have already played it in the IGC, I hear ya, it feels like a repeat for you, so thanks for rolling with it! But we think there’s a lot of value to get the game to our PS3 audience as well.

Replying to another commenter who said, “Too much indie games. We can play all the indie games for free on our phones. We bought a console for real games from real developers,” Morgan gave out a great answer, while also (perhaps unintentionally) explaining the PlayStation philosophy as a whole:

We think that Indie games offer a great experience on PlayStation that you can’t get elsewhere. You’ll still be getting the big AAA games with content you can’t get elsewhere, but through creating a welcoming environment for devs of all types, you’ll see greater gaming experiences overall on PlayStation. And we like to support those guys with great PS Store events like PLAY, and Day 1 discounts through PS Plus.

Personally, I do my best to read through every comment section on every post on PSLS. While my answers generally aren’t as well thought out as Morgan’s last one, hopefully they help you out in some way. And if you ever have any feedback about PSLS, our posts, a tip for a story, or anything, feel free to leave us a comment, or send an email to [email protected].

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