Shuhei Yoshida Talks The 7 PS4 Games he Wants the Most, Playing PS Vita on the Toilet

By looking at Shuhei Yoshida’s Twitter history, it appears as though his usual 24 hour schedule is as follows: sleep for about 4 hours a day, troll on Twitter for about 2 hours, answer follower questions for about 6 hours, actually run Sony Worldwide Studios for 8 hours and, if David Cage visits, sleep for however many hours are left in the day.

Well, Shuhei was back on Twitter with non-trolling answers to questions, with the latest information posted below:

  • In case you didn’t already know, Remote Play with PS Vita/PS4 will allow you to turn the PS4 on and off even on a different Wi-Fi network and there won’t be an update to the PSP allowing for Remote Play with the PS4.
  • The 7 games Shuhei is most excited for on PS4 are The Witness, Octodad: Dadliest Catch, Resogun, deep down, Knack, inFamous: Second Son, and Killzone: Shadow Fall.
  • In sad news, Shuhei won’t be attending the VGAs later this year.
  • Regarding the E3 Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag PS4 crash, Shuhei said, “That was a game and the system still in development, not throughly tested.” While for the unresponsive demo of The PlayRoom at TGS, that was due to “wireless interference on the show floor.”
  • Fitting right in with Mark Cerny’s estimates, it took Shuhei over 10 hours to complete Knack. Yes, we’re all jealous that he’s beaten it.
  • While this was pretty obvious, it’s funny to see Shuhei confirm playing your PS Vita in the bathroom by saying, “you just need your home router to reach wifi signal to your toilet.”
  • Also obvious, the PlayStation Camera’s facial recognition will be optional.
  • Someone wondered if the speaker icon on the PS4 UI meant that it would allow for speech-to-text, but Shuhei just reiterated that it was for voice messaging.
  • Another person questioned what “the actual reason why it is ‘technically difficult‘ to change your PSN account name” was, with Shuhei just saying, “That’s the actual reason.”

Do your 7 most wanted PS4 games line up with Shuhei’s? Let us know in the comments below.

[Image via @yosp]

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