With the mammoth of Grand Theft Auto V behind us, it’s time to look forward to the rest of this holiday season, so we asked the PSLS staff: Which games are you buying before the end of 2013?
*Due to one of us not having an internet connection yesterday, we had to delay Ask PSLS until today.
Anthony Severino – Mega Traitor (@Sev_Anthony)
The games I’m most looking forward to purchasing for myself are on the Nintendo platform like Wii U Party and Super Mario Bros 3D World. Outside of that though, I plan on stocking up on as many games as I can possibly afford between the PS4 and Xbox One (I’m getting both). I haven’t quite decided on everything, but I know I want Killzone: Shadow Fall, Assassin’s Creed IV, and probably Knack for the PS4. I may end up getting CoD: Ghosts on that platform as well. I’m completely undecided on Xbox One games aside from Killer Instinct. I will buy the shit out of that.
Cameron Teague – Watching, Waiting (@Cameron_PSLS)
I honestly don’t plan to buy many more games for the rest of the year. In fact, I am waiting to see what games I get to review for the PS4, then I might buy a game or two after those reviews are done.
Chandler Wood – That’s It? (@FinchStrife)
With the PS4 nearing I am obviously gearing up to get most of the launch titles for that. I also plan on picking up Rocksmith 2014 and Beyond: Two Souls next month. Beyond that (pun completely intended), there really isn’t much more on deck for what I am looking to purchase by the end of the year. PS3 releases are really slowing down leading up to the PS4 launch (besides cross generation titles of course).
D’yani Wood – Trusting
Whatever Chandler ends up buying. I trust his video game purchase decisions.
Dan Oravasaari – Needs Money (@FoolsJoker)
This year is going to be filled with games to pick-up, the issue really is going to be having the time to play them all. I have been really looking forward to Beyond: Two Souls and starting up Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn at some point, but with GTA Online almost here, I don’t know how I will manage. Once the PS4 hits store shelves, I will be picking up Battlefield 4, Killzone: Shadow Fall, Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag and maybe something else to make sure I have nice backlog growing before the year is out.
Jason Dunning – Regular Traitor (@Jasonad21)
Since I don’t know which PlayStation titles I’ll be reviewing and which ones I’ll actually have time for, the only game I’m 100% certain on buying right now is Pokemon X/Y on October 12th. I’m sure Killzone: Shadow Fall, The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD, and a couple others will get my money before the end of the year is up, but as of right now, I just have my money on Pokemon X/Y (still haven’t decided which version to get).
Louis Edwards – Waiting. Watching (@ftwrthtx)
With the PS4 coming at the end of the year, I’ll wait to see which games I’ll get to review and then make my purchases accordingly. Killzone, DriveClub (free with PS+), Knack, AC IV… so many games to play.
Sebastian Moss – Totally Had Internet Yesterday
A lot of shops are closing down where I live, probably because I live there, so I’ll just wait for fire sales to grab a lot of games and weird Chinese toys.
Which games are you buying before the end of 2013? Let us know in the comments below.