Destiny PS4/PS3 Box Art Revealed, New Trailer Coming This Week

Kicking off what they call an “exciting week,” Bungie has released the box art for Destiny, which shows off the three classes – Titan, Hunter, and Warlock:

Destiny Box Angled

Destiny Box Art

Continuing the excitement, tomorrow will see the release of the latest Destiny gameplay trailer that takes place in a destination “a lot of fans have been asking to see for the first time.”

As well, there will be “some exciting announcements if you’re looking to suit up and explore our new frontier.” With a rumor popping up over the weekend that the Destiny website had a link to a beta page (since removed), something you’d gain access to by pre-ordering from select retailers, it appears their “exciting announcements” tease will be about the beta. Also, with Sony and Activision partnering on Destiny, don’t be surprised if it’s PlayStation only.

Destiny is scheduled to release in 2014.

What do you think of the box art? Does the center character seem too much like Master Chief? Let us know in the comments below.

[Via, Source 1, 2, 3]