Insomniac: Into the Nexus “Probably” the Last PS3 Ratchet & Clank, PS Vita Version Would Need to be the Quality Fans Expect

Earlier today, Insomniac confirmed that just the PlayStation 3 version of Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus would be releasing on November 12th/13th in North America/Europe, just days before the PlayStation 4 launches on November 15th in the US/Canada.

Replying to user questions was James Stevenson, Community Lead at Insomniac Games, who said of the late release date for Into the Nexus: “We would’ve loved to have it out sooner, but Ratchet is a demanding overlord at the Gamatorium and we had to make sure it was just right for our fans.” And as a refresher on the length of the game he said, “It’s definitely a more compact experience. Not as long as say [Tools of Destruction/A Crack in Time, though definitely longer than [Quest For Booty] and much deeper and more replayable.”

As for the cheaper $29.99 price tag, James added, “Sony sets the pricing for games, not us. All our games have always had price parity digitally and retail between PSN and Blu-ray. I’m not really the person to comment on all the reasonings behind it.”

Then, on the topic of a PlayStation Vita version of Into the Nexus, Stevenson said:

No Vita version has been announced at this point. We would love for there to be one, just has to be sure to be the quality that our fans expect from Ratchet.

And he was asked if all future Ratchet & Clank games would now be on the PS4:

Who knows?!? Never say never is what I like to say. I would say I think this probably the last PS3 Ratchet game, but again, anything can happen.

Finally, you won’t be seeing Dr. Nefarious in Into the Nexus :(.

What are some fun game titles you’d want to see for Ratchet & Clank on the PS4? Let us know in the comments below.