A few months back, Ubisoft released a video for Watch Dogs that looked nowhere near as good as previous trailers, causing Creative Director Jonathan Morin to come out and say, “I see the game every day and I can tell you, this trailer is far from it.”
In the end he chalked it up to a mistake, and in a recent interview with CVG, the video was brought up again and he was asked if they might be overselling the visuals of the current generations versions:
I don’t think so, no. You know, that video that came out was funny. I said on Twitter – which some people didn’t like, but still – that it’s not a version. I was looking at the reaction and people didn’t understand what I meant. They don’t make games and I guess that’s why. I’ll explain in a more simple way.
We’re all working on PCs. Because of that, and because we’re making games on next-gen and current gen it’s a very scalable engine. You can check a bunch of different things. You can make it the ugliest game on the planet by unchecking options.
It’s there so you can have better frame rate early on in the process so you can test driving, for example, but there’s tons of features like that.
Sometimes the trailers are done outside of our building – we’re not physically there – and then some people have initiative and they start recording something and they might not have the best eye on the planet. So they aren’t realising that they’re actually taking shots of the game with a combination of things that makes no fucking sense at all.
So that’s why I was thinking “this is actually nothing, what you guys are looking at makes no sense” and I wasn’t that happy. But it was an internal communications flaw and at the end of the day it’s no big deal. But no, there’s no risk on the look of the current-gen version, it’s looking pretty awesome.
On the subject of the Watch Dogs and Assassin’s Creed universes being tied together, Morin teased that “we might have little surprises here and there, just as quick nods, but it’s two different worlds and different universes.”
Are you going to be getting Watch Dogs a couple days early on PS4, or will you be waiting for the PS3 version? Let us know in the comments below.