Amazon Sending Out Emails to Those Who Pre-Ordered the Watch Dogs PS4 Bundle, Check Your Inbox

After we let you know about how GameStop is allowing people who pre-ordered the Watch Dogs PS4 bundle “to keep their current bundle orders and their consoles will ship as scheduled with the game shipping separately once it is available or customers can choose another bundle to replace their current order,” commenter claass21 posted an email they received from Amazon about the bundle:

We’re contacting you about your pre-order #xxxxxxx for the PlayStation 4 Watch Dogs Launch Day bundle. On Tuesday, October 15, it was announced the Watch Dogs release date has been delayed until 2014. To ensure you maintain your place in line for a PlayStation 4, we have updated your pre-order to the PlayStation 4 Launch Edition with the same estimated delivery date.

An automated e-mail was recently generated confirming the new item at the incorrect price of $459.90. The correct price for the PlayStation 4 Launch Edition is $399.96. We’re sorry for any concern this caused. You can confirm the correct price and updated item on your order here.

As well, Amazon UK is allowing those who pre-ordered the Watch Dogs PS4 bundle to choose from either the PS4 on its own or a variety of bundles. According to an email from Amazon UK posted on Reddit, you’ll have until October 23rd to take advantage of this deal.

Did you switch your Watch Dogs bundle? Let us know in the comments below.

[Thanks claass21 and Steph]

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