Ubisoft is Eliminating the Online Pass For All Future Games

Joining the likes of EA, Ubisoft has announced that the “Uplay Passport will not be a part of any future Ubisoft games.” What this means for you is that all future Ubisoft titles will do away with the ‘Online Pass,’ meaning you don’t need to enter a code to access online play or other features.

Ubisoft explained their reasoning behind this choice:

The Uplay Passport program was initiated as a means of giving customers full access and support for online multiplayer and features, along with exclusive content, bonuses and rewards. However, games today are blurring the line between offline and online, between what is “single player” and what is “multiplayer.” Based on that and on the feedback we received from you, we recognized that Passport is no longer the best approach for ensuring that all our customers have the best possible experience with all facets of our games.

What seems to have been a catalyst for this decision is how Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag put Edward’s Fleet, an online feature that allows a single player to interact with multiple players on consoles or via the game’s companion app, behind the Uplay Passport (included with all new copies), upsetting some gamers.

To remedy this situation for Black Flag, Ubisoft has completely eliminated the cost of the Uplay Passport for Black Flag, meaning you can grab it for free on the PlayStation Store/Xbox Live.

What do you think of Ubisoft doing away with the Uplay Passport? Let us know in the comments below.

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