After a brief hiatus, Ask PSLS is back! With the PlayStation 4 just days away in the US and Canada, we decided to ask the staff: What is the first game you’ll play on your PS4?
Anthony Severino – Listed To Me (@Sev_Anthony)
Everyone’s answer to this question should be Killzone: Shadow Fall. Out of all of the launch titles, it’s the only one that really gives you an idea of what the PS4 is capable of. No other games feature the same lighting, textures, and overall polish as Killzone. Plus, Killzone is the only game that fully takes advantage of all the new DualShock 4 features like the light bar, the touch pad, and the built-in speaker. Get Killzone if you want to show off your PS4. The rest look like slightly prettier current-gen games, but don’t effectively represent the jump in power that is possible on the PS4.
Cameron Teague – Nuthin’ (@Cameron_PSLS)
Probably one of the many free games at launch, since I have not set aside any money to purchase a launch game.
Chandler Wood – He’s a Pro (@FinchStrife)
I have some reviews to do, and Killzone is not one of them. But I’m going to be procrastinating slightly to at least witness and experience the beauty that Killzone has to offer.
Dan Oravasaari – Ghostbuster (@FoolsJoker)
Well, I’ve already played through my first PS4 game, but once I get my own console, I will probably play what ever it is I have to review next.
Jason Dunning – Slow (@Jasonad21)
The first game I’ll be downloading is Resogun, but since my internet connection isn’t very good, it could take some time before I’m allowed to start playing. While I wait, I’ll be putting in Killzone: Shadow Fall and probably jumping right into the multiplayer.
Joseph Fait – Addition (@AcesHigh291)
Guys, I’m playing Killzone. Please add me on PSN, I’d love to play with our readers. I’m AcesHigh291.
Louis Edwards – Shiny (@ftwrthtx)
With my shiny new copy of Killzone: Shadow Fall sitting here all lonely, I’ll definitely be popping that bad boy in first.
Sebastian Moss – Patient (@SebMoss)
The waiting game.
What game will you be playing first on PS4? Can you guess what our Ask PSLS will be next week? Let us know in the comments below.