DICE Aware of Battlefield 4 on PS4 Causing CE-34878-0 Crash, You Can Help Them Fix It

The latest update in the Battlefield 4 Control Room reveals how DICE is aware of the PS4’s “CE-34878-0 crash” error message, and they need your help fixing it.

Explaining the CE-34878-0 crash as “a general error code that you can receive when the game has crashed for a number of different reasons that are not related,” here’s how you can help:

You can help us to identify these individual issues by providing a few details in the crash report [when it pops up] (we read all of them). For example: what game mode you were playing and on what map you crashed. Doing this will help us a lot to reproduce the issues and investigate fixes for them in upcoming patches.

We are working hard to increase the stability of the game, and you can always find the latest information here in the BF4 Control Room.

DICE released a new patch for the PS4 version of Battlefield 4 earlier this week, with the next patch already in the works.

Have you ever experienced the CE-34878-0 crash error message? Let us know in the comments below.