Earlier this week, it was revealed by Google that the PlayStation 4 was the #1 trending tech gadget of 2013 in the United States, while also being the #3 trending consumer electronic around the globe, and as Sony touted today, the PS4 was the 9th most-searched term overall this year.
Responding to their first place finish in the US was Senior VP of PlayStation Brand Marketing at SCEA Guy Longworth (who teased some “epic stuff” for PS4 recently):
We couldn’t be happier to see that PS4 was top of mind for so many millions of people this year, beginning with our announcement in February and hitting a fever pitch recently with launches around the world. Making it onto Google’s Zeitgeist list is no small feat, but appearing at number one is a true testament to the overwhelming interest in PS4 and the future of gaming.
Assuming it keeps the same name and does launch in 2014, do you think Gaikai will be in any top 10 lists from Google at this point next year? Let us know in the comments below.