Next Week on the US/CA PSN: January 21st, 2014 – Two PlayStation Plus Free Games

One of the best games you probably missed in 2013, Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, becomes one of the two PlayStation Plus free games starting on Tuesday, meaning you don’t have many excuses not to play it anymore. Elsewhere, there aren’t many standouts, but OlliOlli does make its way to the PlayStation Vita.

As a note: Marc Colhoun of Bloober Team has confirmed that Basement Crawl won’t be releasing on the PlayStation 4 next week, despite what the PlayStation Store says. It’s also expected to be around $10.

PlayStation 4 Games

  • Nothing yet

PlayStation 3 Games

  • Lucifer Rings (PS1 Classic) – $5.99

PlayStation Vita Games

  • Lucifer Rings (PS1 Classic) – $5.99
  • OlliOlli

PlayStation Portable Games

  • Lucifer Rings (PS1 Classic) – $5.99

PlayStation Mobile Games

  • Buba (should arrive)


  • LittleBigPlanet 2 ‘DC Comics Costume Pack 3’


  • “One more demo” (it’s probably Lightning Returns)
  • Toukiden: The Age of Demons (PS Vita)

PlayStation Plus

  • Leaving the Instant Game Collection – ICO (PS3), Oddworld: Strangers Wrath (PS Vita)
  • Entering the Instant Game Collection – Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons (PS3), and either Smart As (PS Vita) or Worms: Battle Islands (PSP, PS Vita compatible)

As always, the list is partial and subject to change, with more items likely being added next week with the full update. So check back on Monday for our PlayStation Store Preview, Tuesday for our PlayStation Store Global Update, and you can even check out our January 2014 new releases for future games.

Which PS3 PlayStation Plus freebie would you like to see added on Tuesday? Let us know in the comments below.
