Spend $60 on the PlayStation Store, Get $10 Back Through March 18th, 2014

It may be taking the PlayStation Store in North America a very long time to fully update, but as of March 11th and running through March 18th, anyone who spends $60 or more on the PlayStation Store will get a $10 credit back on or before March 24th via a PSN message/email code. The code to add the $10 to your account will then expire on March 31st at 11:59PM PT.

If you were hoping to bank multiple $10 credits, unfortunately this promotion states: “Each PSN/SEN account may only accrue a total of $10 [CAD/USD] in SEN Wallet credits pursuant to this promotion.”

Looking for something to spend your money on? We’ll have full details of the PlayStation Store update in North America later today (assuming the update happens today), but we can already tell you that MLB 14: The Show and Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes on PS3 are now available for pre-order, with Watch Dogs also available for pre-order on PS3. In addition to those, inFamous: Second Son is also up for pre-order on the PlayStation Store.

To see everything new this week on the PlayStation Store, follow these United States and Canadian links, and to see what’s up for pre-order, follow these United States and Canadian links.

Do you plan on spending $60 on the PlayStation Store before the end of day on March 18th? Let us know in the comments below.

[Via, Source]