Sony Explains Why DLC Isn’t Typically Offered for Free Through PlayStation Plus

When it comes to the freebies you get with your PlayStation Plus subscription, you can mostly expect PS4, PS3, PS Vita, and PSP games, while DLC is something that will generally only be offered at a discount to PS+ members, but not free.

The topic of offering DLC for free through PS+ was recently brought up over on the EU PS Blog, with a commenter highlighting the fact that Europe only receives 2 PS3 games per month (this took effect many months ago), whereas North America gets 3. That person then suggested “DLC would fill that gap” left by the absent third game each month, which prompted SCEE Blog Manager Fred Dutton to explain why DLC isn’t given away for free to PS+ members:

We regularly offer discounts on DLC, but the problem with including it as part of the IGC offering is that it requires subscribers to own the original game. If they don’t, then they get nothing – which I don’t think would prove popular!

Elsewhere, Dutton gave a small update on when we can expect PlayStation 4 firmware 1.70 by saying, “I can’t give you a firm date today, but it’s not far off. We’ll have an update on PS Blog soon.”

Do you think PlayStation Europe should offer DLC for free to PlayStation Plus members? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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