Bad Gamers: Ep 65 – Star Wars, Pets and Borderlands The Pre-Sequel

The Bad Gamers crew loses one member, but the remaining two march on this week, as we discuss the infinite possibilities of a new Star Wars game, Borderlands 2 on Vita, a the newly-rumored (now announced) Borderlands the Pre-Sequel and the game of 10,000 sayings, Vita Pets. So, make sure to tune in on this short but sweet episode to find out who has had to step away due to other projects, and which cast member will be flying out for super secret reasons.



What do you think Visceral Games’ Star Wars title is going to be based off of? Could Han shoot first? Are you tired of Borderlands yet? And how creepy would it be if your dog talked back to you? Let us know in the comments below, hit up our message boards or spell our Twitter handles correctly @Foolsjoker @FinchStrife

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