Destiny Alpha Footage Leaks Online

Destiny HD from Bob on Vimeo.

Just yesterday, we reported that Bungie’s Destiny might be offering PlayStation gamers early access to its beta by four days. Well, if you can’t wait until July to see how the game plays like, you’re in luck as unscripted gameplay footage has made its way online.

Originally posted on YouTube by Rhyd1z3L_, the videos have now been pulled by Activision. Thankfully, someone from NeoGAF uploaded it on Vimeo. The six-minute footage consists of exploring the area, joining a public event, and of course, some shooting.

Bear in mind that the footage you see is most likely from an on-going closed Destiny alpha. In short: things could very well change and some elements in the game might not have been implemented properly yet. So, consider that before you complain about how X feature doesn’t look good and whatnot.

What do you make of the game so far? Is it too similar to Borderlands? If so, is that a bad thing?

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