PS4 Version of Skullgirls Encore Will Support PS3 Arcade Sticks

Recently delayed into 2015, the PlayStation 4 version of Skullgirls Encore will support PlayStation 3 fight sticks, Lab Zero Games has confirmed.

This feature is enabled thanks to a custom USB driver, which Lab Zero says was created by Naughty Dog Programmer John Bellomy in his spare time because it “sounded neat.” Once completed, Lab Zero plans to allow other developers to use their code for free, so long as they share their work in return.

As the use of PS3 arcade sticks and controllers on PS4 isn’t officially supported by Sony, Lab Zero Games CEO Peter Bartholow explained to Polygon that there will be some limitations:

Any stick that reads as a Generic USB GamePad or Joystick will work. This covers MadCatz TEs, which are the majority of what the fighting game community uses right now, as well as many other smaller brands and custom options such as the GodLike Controls’ Cthulhu boards.

With all the different custom sticks out there, we won’t be able to test everything ourselves. So we’ll be building out the compatibility list through public testing and listing it online, so people know what will work beforehand.

For further specifications about the driver, any device that identifies itself as a DualShock 3 won’t work. This means the PS360+ board and Inpin PS2 to PS3 adapter aren’t compatible, and you won’t be able to use the Home and Share functions.

Those restrictions aside, it’s essentially a plug and play experience with the driver.

Public testing of the USB driver will begin this weekend, and will continue at the PlayStation Experience event in December.

[Source: Polygon]