Dragon Age: Inquisition ESRB Rating Talks Violence, Sex, Implied Fellatio

If the ESRB’s rating description for Dragon Age: Inquisition is any indicator, it will definitely earn its Mature rating, with blood, intense violence, nudity, sexual content, and strong language listed as the descriptors.

As we’ve come to expect from the ESRB, the full rating summary is worth a chuckle or two:

This is a role-playing game in which players assume the role of a warrior battling evil forces in different dimensions. Characters use swords, axes, hammers, and magic attacks to kill fantastical creatures (e.g., demons, monsters, dwarfs) and humans in melee-style combat. Cutscenes sometimes depict characters impaled or getting their throats slit. Violent sequences are often highlighted by cries of pain, gurgling/gushing sounds, and large blood-splatter effects; blood remains on the ground in several environments. The game includes some sexual material: a female character briefly depicted in front of a man’s torso (fellatio is implied); characters depicted topless or with exposed buttocks while lying in bed or after sex; some dialogue referencing sex/sexuality (e.g., “’I will bring myself sexual pleasure later, while thinking about this with great respect’” and “The way your t*ts bounce when I pin your arms and take you on the side of the bed…”). The words “f**k,” “sh*t,” and “a*shole” appear in dialogue.

Dragon Age: Inquisition will be released on November 18 in North America and November 21 in Europe for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox One, Xbox 360, and PC.

[Source: ESRB]