Battlefield 4 CTE Coming to Consoles, No Definite Time-Frame for Release


If you’re a Battlefield 4 fan, then there’s a very good chance that you’ve heard of the BF4 Community Test Environment program available on PCs, which allows DICE to test tweaks and fixes in real time to the public in a controlled environment before rolling it out to the gaming masses.

Console BF4 fans, rejoice! In a recent Q&A session at the ESL One Finals for BF4, DICE LA Producer David Sirland confirmed that a proper BF4 CTE version is coming. However, Sirland mentioned, “We are ready. They are not,” with “they” referring to Sony and Microsoft, and the publishers’ certification process. 

Unfortunately, no specific schedule was given for the program to launch, but it’s certainly a right step in making BF4 the best game it can be.

Are you looking forward to the console version of CTE or is it a matter of too little too late?

[Source: MP1st]

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