PlayStation LifeStyle PlayList: December 20 & 21, 2014 – Winter Holiday Edition

This week has been a slow one for the release of games, so it’s time to see what the staff will be playing just before the holidays are upon us. Chances are that it will be something from our buyer’s guide! 

Here’s what everyone is playing this weekend:

Cameron Teague (@Cameron_psls)


Chandler Wood (@FinchStrife)

I’d like to say I am going to play something else, but Destiny will be getting my attention. Trying to level up three characters takes a lot of time and attention, and I need to help D’yani level up too! I’m hoping she won’t be too busy with Plants Vs. Zombies

D’yani Wood (@Dyani)

I’ll be playing more Plants Vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare. And maybe I’ll go buy Chandler a Christmas present or two.

Dan Oravasaari (@FoolsJoker)

With the holidays right around the corner, I am going to have to do some last minute shopping. But, that doesn’t mean I won’t be making time for Destiny.

Heath Hindman (@TheHeathHindman)

Yakuza 5 and Godzilla for upcoming import reviews. Never say that I don’t love you!

Louis Edwards (@ftwrthtx)

With this being the last weekend before Christmas, holiday shopping is on tap for kids and grandkids. I’ll probably still find time to jump into Destiny for some bounties, though, as that game just keeps pulling me back in. Madden on Sunday as always so I can see how the Colts stack up against the Boys.

Mack Ashworth (@GamingWithMack)

I’ll be hitting Rank 5 in Destiny’s Iron Banner for the first time. I’ll also be sitting down with the girlfriend to play some LittleBigPlanet 3.

Mark Labbe

I’m going to be playing Assassin’s Creed Unity, mostly. But, I also picked up a bunch of games during the last three weeks of the PS Store Holiday Sales, so I’ll be playing those as well!

Paulmichael Contreras (@T3mpr1x)

Likely going to play more Minecraft. The Nether is calling. I might squeeze in some more of The Crew, but I’m mostly going to be mining. If I’m feeling particularly masochistic, I’ll dive into The Binding of Isaac again!

Ryan (@decimalator)

I’m going to make a serious dent in my backlog. Who am I kidding, I will play Destiny and Advanced Warfare and hate myself.

Zarmena Khan (@Zarmena)

Not sure if I’ll have time, but if I do, I’ll be playing Far Cry 4. It’s probably the only game I’m going to be playing until January, at least.

What are you playing just before the holiday hits? Let us know what you’ll be playing this weekend. 

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