Destiny Xur Location and Items for January 16, 2015 Listed, Peeking Through the Glasshouse


Friday is here and that means it’s another entry in PlayStation LifeStyle’s Destiny Xur location and items post. 

For this week, Xur – Agent of the Nine can be located near the Crucible handler, which is super easy to spot.  As for his wares, which is the real reason you’re here, well, you can catch a gander of the items in the gallery below.

In other Destiny news, Bungie revealed the top 10 most used weapons in the game in the past few weeks. Also of note for those who relish going on Raids, the Hard mode for the Crota’s End Raid has been looked at by Bungie, which should please Destiny fans looking for some challenge.

Which Exotic items are you looking to acquire this weekend? Is the Destiny community still going strong?