Exploration and Action-Adventure Title “AER” Coming Out in 2016

In a magical and beautiful world, a young girl named Auk is in search of lost memories of her past. To find them, she must use her unique ability to change into a bird and fly through an open world that is ripe for exploration.

That, in a nutshell, is what Forgotten Key’s and Deadalic Entertainment’s upcoming title AER is. Set to come out sometime in 2016 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, and Mac, AER will focus on both adventure and exploration, using gorgeous and artsy graphics to do so.

Looking at the screenshots above, the art style almost reminds me of the way the Wii U version of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD looks, which can either be a great thing or a bad thing, depending on what you thought of that game. At any rate, AER certainly looks intriguing, and hopefully more information on it will be released in the coming months.

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