Adventure Title Silence: The Whispered World 2 Hits PS4 in Late 2015

Scheduled for release in late 2015 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, and Mac, Silence: The Whispered World 2 is a narrative-driven adventure game from Daedalic Entertainment.

While Daedalic feels the adventure genre is alive and well, they add, “However, we also believe there’s a lot of room for modernization within the genre, while at the same time not abandoning its roots.” The biggest way they’ll be modernizing Silence is through the puzzles, which have been designed in a way that makes them part of the story experience. This way, puzzles won’t keep you from moving forward within the story.

Just as with other adventure or role-playing games, you explore the environment, listen to dialogue, talk to other characters and observe what’s happening around them. When it comes to those puzzles, Daedalic says they’ll be logical, and since you don’t have an inventory in Silence, you can focus on one puzzle at a time, and one item at a time.

The two playable characters, Noah and Renie, both feature different abilities to help out in puzzle solving. For example, Noah is older and stronger, while Renie is just six years old and can’t tell left from right, but she is more curious and fearless. Their sidekick, Spot, will then be able to help either character by shifting his shape into useful items.

Here’s the description for Silence: The Whispered World 2:

In Silence players accompany Noah who struggles to find his little sister Renie in the turmoil of war. Against all odds, he manages to follow her, only to find himself alone in Silence, the world he once traveled as Sadwick the clown. There seems to be no way back and Renie is lost in a war-ravaged Silence.

Together with his sister he joins a group of rebels, led by a determined girl named Kyra. They’re the last bastion of resistance against the terrible seekers – mysterious creatures washing over Silence in ever growing numbers, while more and more of the people just seem to vanish. It is on Noah and the player to find a way back home from this dangerous place.

Do you have any interest in Silence: The Whispered World 2?

[Source: PS Blog]

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