Metal Gear Rising 2 Teased at Taipei Game Show 2015

The image above was flashed during a PlayStation 4 lineup trailer at the Taipei Game Show 2015, creating quite a stir among Metal Gear fans across the internet. The “2” here apparently represents Metal Gear Rising 2, a sequel to Platinum Games’ 2013 action hack-and-slash title, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

The very, very brief teaser appears during a Twitch stream at around the 2:46:39 mark, shortly after The Order: 1886 so check it out for yourself if you’re curious. It’s the font that really gave it away since it’s the same as the one used for Revengeance.

Hideo Kojima previously said that he was interested in turning the game into a franchise given its popularity. In August 2013, Konami hosted a survey on its official website, asking fans if they would like a sequel to Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, and what they would like to see in it. 

We’ll update our readers when more information becomes available. 

[Source: TGSlive (Twitch) via NeoGAF]

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