While we already talked about the top PlayStation 4 games set to come out within the year, it’s now the indie games’ turn.
Most of us love a good indie game. And in the last couple of years, the indie scene has exploded. Sony have made a point of putting the focus on their partnerships with smaller studios that are creating unique and diverse experiences on all PlayStation platforms. And 2015 looks to be a fantastic year for the independent game scene, especially on PlayStation. What follows are 15 of the games that I’m most looking forward to getting my hands on this year.
What indie games are on your wish list this year? Let me know in the comments below!
What indie games are you most looking forward to for the PS4 and Vita this year? Let us know below.
15 Indie Games To Look Out For In 2015
Thanks to the super cool guys over at Devolver Digital (Hotline Miami), Broforce is being brought to PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita.
The game follows a paramilitary group that specialises in excessive force. The game will feature 4 player co-op, deathmatch, horde mode, a level designer and a promise of new missions every month.
Axiom Verge
Axiom Verge is a side-scrolling action-adventure game that sees you assume the role of Trace, a man who after suffering a fatal injury wakes up in an ancient, high tech world.
The game will focus on action and exploration and harkens back to the times of Metroid and Castlevania.
Titan Souls
Another game being brought to PlayStation platforms thanks to the folks at Devolver Digital, Titan Souls takes place "between our world and the world beyond." The game sees you exploring the ancient ruins of your forefathers to find over 20 titans, each with their own unique power.
To best each Titan in combat, you must use your lone arrow over and over again by summoning it back to your hand after firing a shot.
Apotheon is a 2D side-scrolling game set against the backdrop of Ancient Greek mythology. You must ascend Mount Olympus fighting the divine gods and save mankind.
It is currently free for PlayStation Plus subscribers on PlayStation 4.
Night in the Woods
Night in the Woods sees you assume the role of Mae, a cat with a penchant for destruction. The game is focused on story, characters and exploration and sees you, as Mae, explore the town and surrounding areas jumping from rooftops, ledges and powerlines.
The game is due to be released on PlayStation 4.
Everybody's Gone to the Rapture
Everybody's Gone to the Rapture is a first person adventure game being developed by The Chinese Room with help from Sony Santa Monica to bring it to the PlayStation 4.
The game will be set in an open world and will feature 6 playable characters that each have their own unique story to tell.
From what we have seen of ABZÛ, it appears to be a 2D platforming game that takes place under the sea. Exploration and sightseeing seems to be the name of the game and it certainly gives off a 'Journey' vibe, just based on the trailer.
Kick and Fennick
The one line description for Kick and Fennick says it all. "Kick and Fennick is a brand new platforming adventure for PlayStation Vita about a little boy with a very big gun".
You manoeuvre around the world by using the significant recoil from your gun to achieve large jumps while being aided by your robot Kick.
This is also currently free to PlayStation Plus subscribers on the Playstation Vita.
The Witness
The Witness is a 3D puzzle game developed by Jonathon Blow (of Braid fame) and his team at Thekla Inc. It is set on a mysterious island that is divided into ten sections surrounding a mountain that is your ultimate goal.
The objective is to solve puzzles in seven of the ten sections on the island in order to reach the mountain and complete the game.
The Tomorrow Children
The Tomorrow Children is described as an alternate universe where an experiment conducted in Russia in the 1960's has melded all human minds into one global consciousness. Of course, the experiment is unsuccessful and destroys the human race and the game sees you assume the role of a projection clone sent into 'The Void' to save everyone.
The game was developed by Q-Games, of Pixel Junk fame, and has been described as Minecraft-like.
Super Time Force Ultra
Super Time Force was released last year for Microsoft consoles but is being released as Super Time Force Ultra on PlayStation 4 and PlayStationVita this year. The hook for this new release is that players will be able to play as Sony darling and President of Sony Worldwide Studios, Shuhei Yoshida.
The game allows you to stop time, reqind back through the level, and even switch out your character at the same time, all making for a frantic, fast paced good time.
Volume is a game from Mike Bithell, who created the super simplistic and ultra addicitive Thomas Was Alone back in 2013.
Volume is a stealth game very similar in style to the original Metal Gear Solid, which Bithell clearly used as an influence.Killing is not the way to play, and distraction is key to your success.
Rime is an open world action adventure and puzzle game coming to the PlayStation 4 and being developed by Tequila Works.
The game tells the story of a young boy who must escape an island and a dangerous curse. To escape, you must solve puzzles using the environment and time itself.
Sony has said that "sound, light and touch are all key to the Rime experience."
No Man's Sky
No Mans Sky is a game that really needs no introduction. It has been hyped by Sony at E3, PlayStation Experience and in several other arenas in the past year.
But, for all this exposure, we really don't fully know what the gameplay will involve beyond exploration. The developers have stated that it would take several lifetimes to explore all the possible combinations and permutations of planets that the game has to offer, which has me sold already!
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number
The original Hotline Miami was a runaway hit due to its simple yet complicated gameplay and over the top violence. And the old addage, "if it isn't broke, don't fix it" applies to its sequel.
Not much has changed in the new Hotline Miami apart from the fact that instead of one character, players will now assume the role of several different characters.