BBC Launching TV Drama Telling the Story of Grand Theft Auto

According to The BBC, the show will “tell the story of arguably the greatest British coding success story since Bletchley Park – the triumph of the computer game Grand Theft Auto.”

Additional info on the special can be read below.

Unlike many coding success stories, Grant [sic] Theft Auto was not created in Silicon Valley – it was the brainchild of a bunch of British gaming geniuses who had known each other since their school days. In autumn 2013 its latest iteration – GTA:V – earned $1bn in its first three days, becoming the fastest selling entertainment product in history.

Grand Theft Auto tells the story of how the game was conceived and created and the subsequent fallout as various groups objected to its violent gameplay.

There’s currently no broadcast date for the special, but you can bet we’ll report on it once there is. Are you looking forward to this or would you rather have a proper GTA-themed show?

[Source: BBC via Videogamer]

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