DriveClub Update 1.12 Now Available, PlayStation Japan Reveals Screenshots of Buggies

Taking up 600MB and bringing the combined total of updates so far to 7.16GB, DriveClub update 1.12 is now available to download on PlayStation 4, adding single player replays, support for next week’s DLC, and more.

You can check out the full patch notes for update 1.12 over here, with some facts about replays below:

  • You can pause, rewind and fast forward (with L2 and R2) to get straight to the best bits and relive them over and over from every camera angle.
  • You only have one chance to save a replay, at the end of the event, but after doing so you can go back and watch it as many times as you like, whenever you like.
  • You have 50 replay slots available to you (and each slot can hold a replay equal to or less than 15 minutes long).
  • Like Photo Mode, you can hide the UI and use the #PS4share button to save and share your favourite moments or races.

Meanwhile, over on the Japanese PlayStation Blog’s post about today’s update, some screenshots of buggies in DriveClub were revealed, though they didn’t give us any details about them:

If we hear anything more about buggies, we’ll let you know.

What we do know about the future of DriveClub is that continual server upgrades are taking place so they can release the PlayStation Plus Edition, private lobbies are in development, and Replays for multiplayer races need a bit more work.

Have you tried Replays yet? What do you think?

[Source: DriveClub (Facebook), JP PS Blog via Videogamer]

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