Cleric Beast
Previous: Yharnam Sewers
This is it. The area boss. Are you ready for the Cleric Beast? If this is your first runthrough of this guide, probably not. But it’s worth a try! During your travels up until this point, you have hopefully been remembering to loot everything in sight. This will eventually net you some Fire Paper. Before starting this battle by venturing beyond the Grunty and crows, be sure to equip your fire paper to a Quick Items slot. Tactics against Cleric Beast are surprisingly simple; I beat him while using my weapon in close-range mode, mostly using the R1 quick attack. The Cleric Beast has essentially two main attacks, and the key is dodging back away from him (as opposed to the sides or even towards him) as he swings, then quickly rolling into him to get closer and land more hits. Pay very close attention to your health, and be sure to heal after rolling away from him a good distance if your health is at or lower than half full! When he’s at half health or lower, ignite your weapon using the fire paper, and hit away in between dodges. Before you know it, you’ll have earned a shiny token and PSN trophy.