“Cool Projects” Set Within the Child of Light Universe Are in the Works

After becoming profitable enough to “have been able to fund a sequel” in November 2014, Child of Light Director Patrick Plourde announced on Twitter yesterday that more projects set within the Child of Light universe are in development:

He didn’t elaborate if this meant a sequel or not, but the developers behind Child of Light did become a core team at Ubisoft Montreal in September 2014.

At the time, Ubisoft Montreal’s VP of Creative Lionel Reynaud said in an interview with CVG:

The team learned a lot about RPG mechanics during development and this has resulted in us creating a core team. The people who made this game now want to work together again, whether it’s on a small game or not.

What do you hope to see from future projects in the Child of Light universe?

[Source: Patrick Plourde (Twitter), Games Industry]

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