Dragon Age Inquisition Jaws of Hakkon DLC Release Date on PS4 & PS3 Confirmed

Not giving out any information past the release date, BioWare announced on Twitter today that the Dragon Age Inquisition Jaws of Hakkon DLC launches on May 26 for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360.

If it carries the same price as the Xbox One and PC versions that launched on March 24, Jaws of Hakkon will cost $14.99 on PlayStation.

Here’s the description for Jaws of Hakkon:

Discover the fate of the last Inquisitor and the powerful dragon he hunted. Enter an overgrown wilderness filled with Avvar, fiercely independent hunters who settled in the southern mountains of Thedas. Explore their culture to uncover what happened to the last Inquisitor and the dragon he pursued. Find an ancient Tevinter fortress that hides a dangerous secret. In this new adventure, playable within the Dragon Age: Inquisition campaign, you will face powerful foes, gain legendary armor and weapons, and confront an ancient god of war bent on destroying the world.

Back in March, BioWare General Manager Aaryn Flynn talked about the timed exclusivity of the DLC, saying, “I hope no one boycotts the purchase, as it’s a pretty fun adventure that WILL be available on all platforms. That said, everyone is free to vote/message/communicate how they feel, so if that happens it happens. We’re definitely paying attention.”

Will you be picking up Jaws of Hakkon at the end of this month?

[Source: BioWare (Twitter)]

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