The hybrid action RPG/warriors game Dragon Quest Heroes will be getting a special Day One Edition when it launches in North America on Oct. 13.
Given the English title of Dragon Quest Heroes: The World Tree’s Woe and the Blight Below, the Day One Edition will include a Slime Weapon Set, seen below:
Many sites are claiming that this Day One edition was described on Square Enix’s online store, but the listing has seemingly been reverted — common when information gets leaked too early. You’ll noticed the release date is even changed back to Dec. 31, which is the placeholder that was there before. I imagine it’ll change back whenever the embargo on this information lifts. Here’s the alleged box art:
We’ve got a ton of screenshots of this game, and even a full Dragon Quest Heroes review, so check those out for more.
[Sources: NovaCrystalis, Gematsu, Twitter (Wario64)]