May 2015 NPD: PS4 Outsells Xbox One in Hardware and Software

While full May 2015 NPD details are coming later this afternoon, Sony has revealed in a statement to Games Beat that PlayStation 4 sales last month were ahead of Xbox One:

As we head into E3, we would like to thank gamers for making PS4 the top-selling console and the leader in software sales in the U.S. in May. We are truly humbled by this success and we look forward to sharing what’s next for PS4 at our E3 press conference on June 15.

The Sony spokesperson added, “PS4 continues to be the cumulative sales leader in the US and globally with more than 20 million consoles already in the market.”

After winning January, February, and March, the PS4 fell to the Xbox One for the first time this year in April.

Do you think there’s any way The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt won’t be the #1 selling game for May 2015 at retail in the US?

[Source: Games Beat]

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