Destiny Update Goes Live Today, Game Going Offline at 11am in Preparation (Update)

Update 2:


Here’s the full list of patch notes:


‘Ashes to Assets’ and ‘Quintessence Transfer’ can now no longer be stacked (they now have cool-downs that can only be used every 10 seconds)

Prison of Elders

  • Fixed a bug where players cannot pick up a quest from Variks to continue the Elder Cipher chain
  • Adjusted difficulty of Level 35 Skolas Challenge Mode
    • Burn Skulls are now replaced by non-elemental skulls
    • Skolas’ health reduced (from 27000 to 15000) to compensate for lack of burn skulls
    • Reinforcement spawns are now based on Skolas’ health instead of a timer

Original Story:

Announced last week during their Weekly Update, Bungie confirmed that Destiny update is going live today at 11am PT/2pm ET.

To coincide with the patch, Bungie announced Destiny will undergo some planned maintenance:

Destiny will be taken offline for 1 hour at 11am PDT for planned maintenance. Please finish your games to avoid getting kicked mid-activity.

While full patch notes have yet to be posted, here’s what they previously said about today’s update:

We want the Skolas encounter to be challenging and require teamwork, only in a more predictable way that doesn’t feel cheap. To accomplish this, we’re making the following changes to Round 6 of the Skolas Challenge:

  • Boss health is reduced (to compensate for the lack of burn)
  • Minions will spawn at predictable health intervals
  • Minor adjustment to the unit makeup of the combatant waves

In summary: Skolas is about to get a shorter life sentence. To ensure that he’ll still have a fighting chance, there will be some more skulls for you to juggle. Your battle with the final boss changes next week. Get in there are tell us what you think.

If you notice the update is live, please let everyone know in the comments below.

[Source: Bungie, (2), (3), Bungie]