E3 2015 – XBlaze Lost Memories Screenshots

Publisher Aksys games has released a brand new batch of E3 screenshots for their upcoming visual novel, XBlaze Lost: Memories. Releasing on August 4 for the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita, Memories looks to continue the events that happened in XBlaze Code: Embryo.

In my sit down with Aksys Games, I was assured that newcomers to the series would be able to pick up Memories and enjoy it without ever having touched Embryo. In Memories, players take on the role of a pink-haired girl who is out to save her sister with the help of a Nobody. Players must find memory fragments while searching for their sister, which help uncover the story of the person behind the memories. The game is a visual novel, so there will be a lot of reading, but you will also have some 8-bit fun with missions that have you searching for the memories as a cute little sprite.

So check out the screenshots above and let us know what you think in the comments. Look for XBlaze Lost: Memories when it releases August 4th on the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita.

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