October 2015 PlayStation Plus Free Games in Europe Include Super Meat Boy, Chariot

Giving us details on the October 2015 PlayStation Plus free games in Europe, Sony revealed the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, and PlayStation Vita titles we can expect, which include Super Meat Boy and Broken Age on PS4/PS Vita, Unmechanical Extended on PS4/PS3, and more.

As well, the DriveClub PlayStation Plus Edition will be leaving PlayStation Plus on October 6, so grab it while you can.

Here’s everything both leaving and entering the PlayStation Plus Instant Game Collection next week on Tuesday, October 6 in Europe:

Leaving the Instant Game Collection

Entering the Instant Game Collection

We’ll be sure to send out a reminder on Monday letting you know the September 2015 games are about to expire.

What do you think of the October lineup so far? Which game will you download first?

[Source: PS Blog]

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