UK’s Consumer Rights Act Now Mandates Refunds on Faulty Digital Content

Publishers in the UK are now mandated by law to provided refunds to consumers who purchased faulty digital products.

Thanks to the Consumer Rights Act, users will now have a 30-day refund period after buying a digital product, such as a game or even DLC. In order to receive a refund, however, the digital product must be faulty, which might mean, in the case of a game, one that it is completely broken. The Consumer Rights Act defines that digital goods must:

– be of satisfactory quality, based on what a reasonable person would expect, taking into account the price

– be fit for purpose. If the consumer has a particular purpose in mind, he or she should make that clear

– meet the expectations of the consumer

What do you think of the new law? Do you think the US should create something like this?

[Source: MCV]

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