Earlier this week, Ubisoft announced that Assassin’s Creed Syndicate would have two day one patches totaling about 1GB in size, in addition to the 43GB install/download size.
Now, Ubisoft has revealed that buyers will only need to download Assassin’s Creed Syndicate update 1.11, which is 534MB:
I actually have a further update from our Project Closer, who had some more precision to add to my statement, hehe…
Only early players needed the 1.10 patch, folks who purchase at retail will have that packed in, so unless you are playing already, you’ll only need the second of those patches (the 1.11).
With Assassin’s Creed Syndicate out tomorrow, October 23, on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, Player-One posted the full list of patch notes for update 1.10 and update 1.11:
Update 1.10
Stability & Performance
Improved performance and stability
Fixed some persistent SFX during gameplay
Fixed wrong audio files that were played
Fixed issues where the player could get stuck between the train and the train station platform
Fixed a camera glitch when the player was in a vehicle
Fixed loading issues with vehicles
Fixed collisions issues with other vehicles
Fixed navigation issues on vehicles
Fixed issues where NPSs may have problems with their animations
Fixed issues where the NPSs might have the wrong reaction
Fixed navigation issues with the NPCs
Fixed an issue in the mission “A night to Remember” where the Royal Guards cannot be killed after being affected by a voltaic bomb
Fixed issues where NPCs may get stuck
Fixed an issue where crowd of NPC would spawn after having the game left idle for more than 30 minutes
Fixed som other NPC spawn issues
Game System
Fixed issues with some trophies
Fixed issues on save/load
Fixed an issue where doors can be lock picked without previously aquiring lockpick II skill
Fixed issues where items/mission would not unlock after completing the conditions
Fixed texts issues
Fixed issues with props in the world
Fixed an issue where changing the menu language will reset all options settings
Fixed issues where the menu/progression log was not matching the actual progression
Fixed issues with icons and FX being missing or misplaced
Fixed Animus Mission Debriefing messages showing when they should not
Fixed issues when entering/exiting the map menu
Fixed issues where the animation would not fit the weapon/reaction
Fixed offset animation on moving platforms
Fixed issues with the multi-kills
Fixed camera issues while fighting
Fixed an issue where the main character’s weapons disappear after a finisher move if he or she was in stealth prior to the fight
Fixed an issue where some of the Blighters are not in the Gang Stronghold area
Fixed issues in cinematics where the player or some props were offset or missing
Fixed issues with the objectives
Fixed issues with fast travel
Fixed navigation/parkour issues on specific spots
Fixed camera issues when navigating
Fixed some NPC interaction issues
Fixed issues where the player would be able to use tools when he or she shouldn’t
Update 1.11
Stability & Performance
Improved performances and stability
Fixed audio missing at the beginning of the introduction cinematic of the “Strange Bedfellows” mission
Fixed an issue with water visual effects on boats and barges
Fixed an issue where, in rare cases, the player was unable to attack after pressing a button during combat
Fixed an issue where a de-synch loop could happen in the “Change of Plans” mission durring the escape part of the mission
Fixed an issue where the player could get stuck if they de-synched just after assassinating Lucy Thorne in the “A Thorne in the Side” mission
Fixed navigation/parkour issues on specific spots
Expect our review of Assassin’s Creed Syndicate to be up shortly.