Deadpool PS4 Launch Trailer Is Insane, Shows Gameplay

From developer High Moon Studios and featuring the voice talents of Nolan North, Deadpool is coming to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on November 17 in North America and Europe for $49.99.

With launch just days away, Activision released a new trailer filled with dubstep and mayhem because “research shows that trailers, dubstep, and absolute chaos go together like Wolverine and bad haircuts.”

Here’s the launch trailer’s description:

There are a few important things I need to say before you crack into my insanely sweet game. (Oof. Here we go again.) I’m a mercenary with an accelerated healing factor. I’ve been described as unstable, which is just plain coo-coo. (Wait, do sane people say coo-coo?) I’m gonna battle for the safety of humans and mutants. (And even mumans.) Be prepared for just about anything. (Holla!).

We still don’t know what kind of visual improvements were made to the game on PS4 and Xbox One (the trailer features some gameplay throughout), but we do know that the two levels and two alternate suits released as DLC on older platforms will be included.

If it’s anything like the Xbox One version, expect Deadpool on PS4 to be a 5.3GB download.

You can read our Deadpool PlayStation 3 review over here.

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