One of the most common complaints that came out of the Star Wars Battlefront beta was the Walker Assault mission imbalance, which made it difficult for Rebels to have a good time. DICE acknowledged the imbalance at the time, promising to tweak things. The developer has now confirmed to Eurogamer that the mode has been made a little bit easier for Rebels, but that the imbalance wasn’t intentional like many believe. Game Designer Jamie Keen said:
It actually isn’t supposed to be unbalanced! It should be 50/50 in terms of success ratio, that’s what we’re gunning for. It’s interesting, people’s receptiveness that it would be unbalanced. It was fun to see people taking it that way!”
Keen also revealed that some of the players ended up embracing the imbalance.
When you’re running betas, the feedback you’re looking for is that balance stuff. The interesting thing that happened is that it was imbalanced and then people were like ‘it should be – it’s about the Walkers assaulting Hoth!’ That thematic story stuff you don’t expect, but it is such an evocative franchise.
So what’s changed? How Walkers work.
We have changed how the Walkers work. We’ve got weak points on them now, so it’s not a question of turning them into a bullet sponge. There have been general balancing tweaks like the damage levels from various weapons, different ion bursts and what they do to the walkers. It’s not one specific area, it’s across the board.
Other changes made since the beta’s conclusion include spawn adjustments, vehicle tweaks, and more. For more details on all the changes, click here.
In other Battlefront news, Walmart has announced that the game will be playable at 3,000 stores throughout the weekend. Players will not only be able to get their hands on the game prior to its release, but they’ll also be able to pick up the Walmart-exclusive Disney Infinity 3.0: Star Wars PlayStation 4 bundle alongside the Darth Vader-themed PS4 controller and Disney Infinity Star Wars figures.
Star Wars Battlefront launches on November 17 in North America and November 19 in Europe for PS4, Xbox One, and PC. While we work on our review, we’ve compiled everything you need to know about the game here. And if that’s not enough, here are our impressions from what we’ve played so far.