The Park Brings Psychological Horror to PS4 & Xbox One in Q1 2016

Launched during Halloween this year on PC, The Park from Funcom (The Secret World) is coming to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in Q1 2016.

Marking Funcom’s first console release in nearly 10 years, The Park is a first-person single-player psychological horror experience that focuses “on intense storytelling and exploration instead of combat and action.” According to Funcom, The Park will take one to two hours to complete.

Here’s the description:

In The Park players step into the shoes of Lorraine, a mother whose son goes missing at the Atlantic Island Park. Here players must explore the dilapidated amusement park and face panic and paranoia as they progress unravel Lorraine’s story and the history of the park itself.

Funcom CEO Rui Casais adds, “Encouraged by the positive reactions we have received on the Windows PC version, we are very excited about bringing it to consoles. Exploring a dark, sinister and frankly terrifying location from the comfort of your sofa, with the lights turned off and controller in hand, is sure to be a very rewarding experience.”