The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth Coming to PS4, Outlook for Other Platforms Including Vita “Not Good”

The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth‘s upcoming expansion, Afterbirth, is confirmed for release on the PlayStation 4 and PC, but its release on other platforms including PlayStation Vita seems very uncertain at the moment. 

Nicalis founder, Tyrone Rodriguez, revealed via a series of tweets that the developer had been evaluating Afterbirth for Wii U, 3DS and Vita, but it’s not running at a performance level that he’s happy with so the outlook doesn’t look good. In subsequent tweets, he said:

Stop lying to yourself, the Wii U is not much more powerful than a PS Vita.

Among other things, consider that Afterbirth has over 100 weapon combinations, Rebirth had much less. Those stacks add up.

There has been no mention of an Xbox One version but designer Edmund McMillen confirmed that Afterbirth is currently in development for the PlayStation 4. 

We’ll update our readers as soon as we have a release date

[Source: Tyrone Rodriguez (Twitter 1,2,3), Edward McMillen (Twitter) via Destructoid]

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