Editor’s Letter – PlayStation LifeStyle Game of the Year Awards

We’re slowly inching our way to the end of 2015 and you know what that means?! Yep, it’s time for the annual PlayStation LifeStyle Game of the Year awards, which of course, includes our winners for the best in each genre and more.

While we rolled out our “Best of” awards within a week last year, we decided to give each category its time in the spotlight for 2015. Instead of one post housing 2-3 awards, each category/award will be have its own post, which we’re hoping will give people the proper space to comment on each category and winner in the comments.

Starting tomorrow, and culminating near Christmas, we’ll be posting one “Best of” category and winner here on PlayStation LifeStyle. We’ll run each category winner until we reach the actual PlayStation LifeStyle Game of the Year! 

It’s been one awesome gaming year for PlayStation gamers everywhere, and we can’t wait to let you know which ones we think were the best of the best. 

Complaints? Suggestions? Don’t forget that I’m a tweet or email away.

Essential Reading: