Now Loading….Hideo Kojima and Sony Partnership: What Do You Want to See?

With today’s confirmation and announcement from Sony that it is indeed collaborating on a “console exclusive,” PlayStation 4 game based on a new IP, the PlayStation LifeStyle crew chimes in on just what they want to see from the legendary video game director for its debut game outside Konami.

In this entry of Now Loading, the site staff talks a bit on the announcement, and as well as what we’re hoping Kojima’s project will be based on. Do we want another Metal Gear Solid-like game? Should Kojima continue what it started with P.T.? It depends on which staff member you ask. Check out our responses below.

Ideally, what would you want Kojima & Co. to be working on? Would you want them to create a new action game that’s the spiritual successor to the Metal Gear franchise or should he leave the genre alone and work on something else? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Now Loading is a recurring staff-driven feature where PlayStation LifeStyle discusses anything video game-related under the sun (yes, even non-Sony platforms).

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