Rock Band 4 January Update Delayed to First Week of February

Rock Band 4‘s upcoming update, which was supposed to release this month, has been delayed to the first week of February due to the Overdrive bug that was discovered back in December. In addition to this, Harmonix will not be releasing any DLC on January 26. Over on its website, the developer wrote:

You’ll get the sweet Psychonauts gear, leaderboard scores posting from Play a Show mode, the audio improvements, the score exploit fixes (plus the leaderboard wipe to make things fair again), and other fun stuff sometime between February 1st and 5th. We’ll also have new DLC for you the that week as well. Stay tuned on 2/1 for the DLC announcement and more.

In related news, Harmonix has said that it will now aim to release Rock Band 4 updates roughly a month apart from here on out. While the studio isn’t making any promises, we’re told that the next update should hit early March, then early April, and so on. 

Detailed patch notes for the February update will be available soon, and we’ll make sure to update our readers when we have them.

[Source: Harmonix]